I believe in black and white. There is something so true about it. Everything, actually. The saying 'the world isn't only black and white' is totally false, the world is absolutely black and white. Perhaps my astrological sign and general stubbornness supports this claim, as I only see things one way, or the other, because in my own personal philosophy (which, mind you, is in constant fluctuation) the notion of something either being one way, or not is as simple as- black and white.
Fashion Week has landed folks! Whether I like it or not, my beloved sidewalks usually filled with normal people, average jerks and general weirdos have been flooded with stick figure bobble heads toting handbags and jewelry worth more than a year in my apartment, standing eight feet tall, complete with euro-trash entourages! And for those of you IN Europe right now, do not take offense. Unless you are following around fashionistas in SoHo and tipping poorly at overpriced restaurants in Tribeca, that statement does not include you, do not take it personally.
I appreciate fashion as the art form and necessity it has become to this city, and the world, and that goes for all of the talented designers and models and photographers and plain ol' wannabes like yours truly. So many colorful and imaginative innovations of clothing are to be beheld this week, so to stay loyal to Manhattan and art school alike, I pay homage to Black and White. Before all the hullabaloo and phoniness and $3,000.00 for a bathing suit BOTTOM, every fashion ad was printed in good old black and white print, in the newspaper. The photos started as black and white film, developed in blackness, in a darkroom. We mustn't forget the iconic staples amidst all the colors of the world.
So, with no further rambling, Black and White: a moment for you.

Some of these gorgeous pieces are still on display at MoMA in the Abstract Expressionist show

I found a CK white button down in Buffalo Exchange a few weeks ago that I am currently obsessed with. It was $10, never been worn!

Quintessential American minimalist painter.Would those prints not look fabulous on anyone??
The natural trendsetters of the world:

At SVA we literally HAD to learn about this guy, lest we fail as artists. Can't you see why?
Any one of these outfits would give me another occasion to rock my dapper new bow-tie from Urban Renewal. Gotta love it when they get one right!

I wish more people could see the world as I see it sometimes, full of the classical beauty that is black and white. Also I wish more people would invest more time in the bow-tie trend. Its cool! You just have to give it a chance. Look at it this way: sweat pants + t-shirt you slept in = less than fashionable. sweat pants + t-shirt you slept in + BOW TIE = which way to the Opera?
nice post, i love the rant about bobble heads and tote bags lmao. ZEBRAS!!!