Hello! I Hope everyone's holidays were as festive and as exciting as mine! I was a lucky girl to get to go to England, and spend some time in London, between Daventry and Upton. What a wonderful place. All the places I saw were amazing. I could move to London TOMORROW and not think twice about it. Here are a few somewhat cliche American-girl-in-London snapshots I took on my travels. I also went to the TATE Modern (swoon!!!) and saw some of the most impressive shows I'd seen all year. That post is coming up soon, so check back!
I was THIS happy the ENTIRE time I was in London.
Rain, shine, fog, wind, poor table service, what have you...
London is my cup of tea.
No trip is complete without a visit to the London Eye,
though I gotta say, the Wonder Wheel is still my go-to for ferris wheels.
Beautiful birch trees at the TATE entrance, still bearing some yellow leaves because the weather in the UK has been as forgiving as the weather here. Yes, Jack Frost has wagged his finger at us as of late, but is HAS been upwards of 50, 60 degrees until mid-December. I loved it, but I feel bad for the polar bears.
Nice London occupiers in the front.
Sigh.... I just can't escape them!!!
Peace be with you, cold, angry citizens!

Fancy a pint at Ye Olde Cock Tavern? Me neither.
I love these classic red booths. All inclusive, four walls of privacy,
unlike the open ended New York ones.
Unfortunately, that means these smell WAYY more like pee upon opening...
iPhone please!
This is the Royal Court of Justice.
I would GLADLY attend jury duty here.
For a month. Easily.
Off with his head?

Covent Gardens is a beautiful indoor/outdoor market
that is like nothing I've seen. If I could attempt to describe it,
it's union square, chelsea market, 5th avenue and central park in one place.
A view of the Houses of Parliament from the Eye at night.
London, I miss you already. I can't wait to see you again. I hope you think about me the way I think about you. But all of the English countryside is gorgeous, which takes up like, 80% of England. I was staying in the town of Daventry, about an hour outside the city, and have loads of scenic memories to share. I don't mind being such a city girl sometimes, because when I DO get to be immersed in nature, it makes it that much more beautiful.