Some of the most fun I've ever had on a Sunday- at DIA Beacon. Only an 80 minute drive (or MetroNorth ride) from Manhattan (which, this weekend, was full of peak foliage) and only $10 entry fee. If you have the means, I highly suggest going. It is ENORMOUS. Words cannot begin to describe the mammoth size of this sculpture house. It took me three and a half hours of walking around to even cover the whole place once, and I'm still not sure if I even saw everything.
3.5 hours for 3.5 floors. The ground floor is the largest, and has the most work. The basement is dark and creepy, as basements are, and full of video art. I've said before, I am not the medias biggest fan, and this day was no different. Too many pieces in one space, and all very disorienting. There should be a warning for anyone with epilepsy in the elevator. The top floor had very few pieces compared to the other levels, and did not grab my attention as much. My favorite floor was the Mezzanine, dedicated entirely to Richard Serra pieces. Beyond incredible.
Here are some highlights of the day, I took entirely too many photos to post them all, and there were dozens and dozens of artists, so these are the choice pics that most successfully captured the overall feel of the space. Check it out!
.Ground Floor.

Dan Flavin

Blinky Palermo


Richard Serra

Walking through Serra's pieces is like being in the grand canyon- in a museum.


A beyond eerie video installation. Sorry, I did not get the artists name.
I was kind of freaked out and left quickly.
Video of me spinning around in one of the chairs.
Notice the group of people on the first spin
who vanish into thin air the second time around?

Had a horror movie-type feel to it. See below.

Ghost Adventures. Have you seen this show?
It's good, it will make you a believer!

Did I mention I saw Paranormal Activity 3 this week?

So close to Halloween!!!
.Top Floor.
Very terrifying enormous metal spider sculpture upstairs.
An hours drive south, I found myself in Nyack...
All Hallow's Eve is a mere week away, so in celebration of this holiday:
